Our family cat is lying beside me on my desk as I write today.

He’s supposedly not allowed to lie on my desk, but lately, he always seems to be here.

I guess he didn’t get the memo.

He especially seems to like it if I have some papers on the desk that he can lie on. He’s thrilled if I’m trying to refer to them as I work, too. This way he gets to annoy me, and it ensures he gets my full attention, if only for a minute or two until I move him.

Silly boy.

He’s been getting away with making more trouble these days, as he’s now fourteen and has been losing weight quite rapidly. We’ve taken him to see a few different vets and even a cat specialist, but no one seems to be able to tell us what’s wrong with him.

We’ve now done all the ‘easy’ tests on him and are trying to decide if it’s worth putting him through the more invasive ones. He wasn’t happy at the vet visits we’ve had so far, and I’m very uneasy about how he’ll react to the tougher ones.

Other than losing weight and being a little clingy, my silver tabby is his usual happy self. He doesn’t seem to be in any pain.

So, I’m thinking I’m just going to let him continue being happy for a bit, and when or if he shows signs of being uncomfortable, we’ll take him in and do more for him.

I must admit I second guess this decision daily when I see how skinny he’s getting.

And although over the years I’ve often lamented on how loud he yowls and how often he demands attention, today I wish he could talk more and could just tell me how he’s feeling.

A talking cat.

One who can tell me exactly what’s going on with him would be nice.

Doesn’t Disney have a few of those?

Where do I sign my guy up?