Yesterday my husband informed me I’ve been using an unusual phrase lately.

“What is it?” I asked as I turned to give him my full attention. I honestly didn’t know what he was talking about, and I was ready to hear a joke in reply.

“Bat shit-crazy,” he said as he continued studying his phone.


Well, it is entirely possible. I mean, most of the world seems to be acting a little batshit-crazy lately, so it does seem like a fitting way to describe things. Besides, using this phrase also means I’m not throwing the F* word around.

So, I’m good with that.

“What’s it even mean?” he asked as he finally looked up at me.

“I think it means a person/world/thing has gone a step beyond crazy,” I replied. “But look it up, maybe it doesn’t mean what I think it does and then I’m the one who’s acting batshit-crazy.”

So, he did.

And you know what? This phrase is considered vulgar slang.


I must admit this amuses me as I might be a lot of crazy things, but I don’t think I’m often vulgar.

So now I feel like one of the cool kids, ya know?

My husband’s googling skills also revealed that the phrase refers to someone who isvery irrational, excited, or angry.

So, basically, I’m using the word correctly.

Because it does seem like the world and many people around me have been acting irrational, excited or angry these days.

Omicron, Christmas, politics, and climate change. The list just keeps on growing.

Yup, things are batshit-crazy.

So I’m just going to keep on using the phrase.

At least for a while.

Hopefully a very short while.