Let’s do something kind today…

Let’s do something kind today…

Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester, Massachusetts created the smiley face in 1963. This image is one of the most recognizable symbols of good will on the planet. You can learn more about his symbol at the World Smile Day website by clicking here. Over the...
Procrastinating (Again).

Procrastinating (Again).

So, I’ve been hiding lately. I decided to go into hiding to get more editing done. It sorta worked. I got more done then I usually do sitting in my office, but I still didn’t get as much done as I would have liked. Things just keep getting in the way....
Reading out loud…

Reading out loud…

I’m doing a final edit on my work-in-progress today. In order to do it properly, I need to read the entire manuscript out-loud.  Reading my work this way always helps me catch a million errors. I plan on spending the next four days working on this. The problem...