Problems and Buoys

Problems and Buoys

Both look smaller when you’re drifting in a boat. Just more more thing to love about summer.
A Pink Gingerbread House

A Pink Gingerbread House

When you are out for a drive, do you ever look at the houses and farms you pass and wonder who owns them and what their lives are like? I do. In fact, I not only wonder but I also make up stories in my head about who lives there and what their lives are like. Which I...
Welcome, Summer!

Welcome, Summer!

It’s a long weekend here in my town, and it’s sunny and warm, so everyone seems to be out enjoying the start of summer. Woo Hoo! I love the May long weekend. I used to be a fall person. But the older I get, the more I prefer warm weather. I love planting new flowers,...


There was a picture on my Facebook feed tonight of flowers growing in the cracks of a concrete sidewalk. The store attached to it informed me that a pre-school class had dropped seeds in the cracks between the sidewalk and the curb to see what would happen. And what...
I’m just feeling blah…

I’m just feeling blah…

Blah. It’s April and we’re still in lock-down where I live. I must admit I’m getting pretty tired of this whole pandemic thing. And, while you’d think I’d have gotten a lot of writing and editing done over the last year while I’ve...
My Helper

My Helper

Things have been busier than usual around here lately. It seems like I have a hundred things on my to-do list. Why did I think a pandemic would slow things down? It didn’t. So today, instead of a post, I give you a picture of Sadie with her toy bear. She makes...