Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

Time seems to be spinning by really quickly. It’s almost the holidays. I love this time of the year. It’s just uh, busy. And because things will be a little hectic over the next few weeks, I probably won’t get as much writing and editing done as I...
Writing about Rocks

Writing about Rocks

Earlier this summer, I decided I would edge my gardens with some rocks. I started this project by collecting rocks from around our property, but it quickly became apparent that not only wasn’t I going to find enough, but it was going to be tough to lug them all to the...
Finding my Readers

Finding my Readers

According to some of the experts on the internet, I need to start marketing my book before it’s published. And the first step to doing that is identifying who my readers are. I’m assuming they mean my potential readers, as I really don’t have readers yet because...
Editing 101

Editing 101

I’m taking an editing course this month, and so far, it’s going well. I’m learning many new things but not so many that I’m starting to doubt myself. In the course, they included a unit on writing inclusively. As I listened to the information...
How to Shred without a Shredder

How to Shred without a Shredder

Day 1 – My Journey to Publishing I’m flying home tomorrow, and I don’t want to lug back the 300 pages of my latest manuscript. I mean, I do. But I don’t want to pay for overage charges on my luggage for all the paper, so I don’t. So,...
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Photo by George Dolgikh @ Giftpundits.com on Pexels.com I hope the Easter bunny brought you lots of chocolate. Or if he didn’t, I hope you’ve had time to go to the grocery store and buy up the stuff that’s been marked down. Yum. For Easter this year I’m in Vancouver...