by Leanne | Oct 27, 2020 | Blog, What I'm Reading
Canadian Literature
by Leanne | Oct 21, 2020 | Blog, What I'm Doing
It’s a beautiful day out so I’m going for a walk. The sun is out, the leaves are changing and all is right with the world. Except for all the rejection letters I’ve been getting lately. Truth be told, they are all encouraging and most are even pretty...
by Leanne | Oct 19, 2020 | Blog, Interesting Finds, Smiles, What I'm Doing
I found this on my walk today. It was struggling to bloom in the middle of a construction site. Mother Nature is strong. And hopeful.
by Leanne | Oct 16, 2020 | Blog, Interesting Finds
I have a thing for chocolate. Not all chocolate, mind you, but most of it. One of my favourite chocolate treats is a plain Hershey Kiss. Yep, the plain one. I like the original. Honestly, I see all the fancy new ones they’ve come out with as just messing up a...
by Leanne | Oct 12, 2020 | Blog, What I'm Doing
Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! I hope you’re all having lots of pie and turkey. It’s a bit of a weird Thanksgiving this year as most of us aren’t going to be able to spend the day with those we love. Which honestly sucks. But I must...
by Leanne | Oct 8, 2020 | Blog, What I'm Reading
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