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Leanne’s Latest Posts
Problems and Buoys
Both look smaller when you're drifting in a boat. Just more more thing to love about summer.
A Pink Gingerbread House
When you are out for a drive, do you ever look at the houses and farms you pass and wonder who...
Welcome, Summer!
It’s a long weekend here in my town, and it’s sunny and warm, so everyone seems to be out enjoying...
There was a picture on my Facebook feed tonight of flowers growing in the cracks of a concrete...
I’m just feeling blah…
Blah. It's April and we're still in lock-down where I live. I must admit I'm getting pretty tired...
My Helper
Things have been busier than usual around here lately. It seems like I have a hundred things on my...
Happy Family Day!
It's Family Day where I live. And yes, that's a real holiday here. So, in the spirit of the day I...
Laugh at Me! Please.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com Another way to write a funny piece is to poke fun at...
Smiling during a Pandemic is HARD
Seven Ways to Add More Laughter to Your Days
1. Watch funny things – Comedic movies, Tik-toks, or TV sit-coms. 2. Call that one friend that...
If you can’t say anything nice…
This is an example of sarcasm. But is it humor? Maybe? Many people find things that are being said...
This Decade Needs More Laughter
One of my resolutions for 2021 was to laugh more. At least more than I did in 2020, which...