Moving Forward

Moving Forward

I just sent Jaycee’s Bakery, the first book in my Larkin Bay romance series, to a proofreader. Woot! That means I’m another step closer to being a published author. I am equally thrilled and terrified by this development. This has been a very long process for me. I’ve...
Off to Beamsville

Off to Beamsville

As many of you know, I love to visit small-towns and I’ve taken what I like best about them and used it as inspiration for my book series’ fictional town of Larkin Bay. I decided a few weeks ago to share pictures of some of the towns I love on Instagram. When I...
For the Love of Small-Towns

For the Love of Small-Towns

I love small-towns. I live in a town, but it’s not small. Actually, it’s so large that I often wonder why it’s even called a town. It should be called a city. But that’s a discussion for another blog post. Today I’m happy to share that...
Hello, Spring!

Hello, Spring!

I love spring. As a matter of fact, I’m starting to think it’s my favorite season. When I was younger, I liked winter. I used to love the snow and the cold. I loved winter sports, and I enjoyed bundling up to go outside. Yup, I was a northerner and proud of it. Now...


I tried writing a blog post last week but didn’t finish it. I just couldn’t come up with anything to write about. Honestly, I had nothing interesting to say. Nada. Zilch. Today, however, I have decided to blog about my writing. So, thanks for asking,...