About the Author

Leanne writes sweet, small-town romances featuring strong, endearing women who often stumble but always reach their happily-ever-afters. Her published works include Jaycee’s Bakery (2024), the first book in the Larkin Bay Romance series.

When Leanne isn’t writing, she spends her free time couch-coaching the Toronto Blue Jays, baking cookies that don’t contain raisins, and texting her three adult children.

Leanne lives in a small town but also loves to escape to her forested hideaway in northern Ontario, where she keeps busy filling her hummingbird feeders and reading in the company of her needy dog, indifferent cat, and loving husband.

You can reach Leanne at:

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Leanne’s Recent Updates

Seven Ways to Add More Laughter to Your Days

Seven Ways to Add More Laughter to Your Days

1. Watch funny things – Comedic movies, Tik-toks, or TV sit-coms. 2. Call that one friend that you’ve had since forever (Hint - it might be your sibling) and ask them to tell you the funniest thing they can remember you doing together. 3. Watch a comedy show. These...

If you can’t say anything nice…

If you can’t say anything nice…

This is an example of sarcasm. But is it humor? Maybe? Many people find things that are being said or done at another person’s expense funny. Is that comedy? Sort of? This also begs the question, is it nice? No. (That’s an easy question to answer.) So, where does a...

This Decade Needs More Laughter

This Decade Needs More Laughter

One of my resolutions for 2021 was to laugh more. At least more than I did in 2020, which shouldn’t be challenging because the pandemic kind of sucked all the joy and laughter right out of me. Since I’m writing a series of romantic comedies this year, it shouldn’t be...